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SAT Eligibility: What You Need to Know

Discover the key details of SAT eligibility, from age requirements to minimum scores and test frequency.
Your ideal timeframe
Although there are no set guidelines, SAT is for admission at the UG level and you should ideally appear in 11th or 12th.
However, age is not a barrier
Whether you're a highschool student or an adult aspiring for top colleges, pursue higher education with the SAT!
SAT’s testing frequency
Try, try till you successfully achieve your desired score. You have the option to appear for the SAT 7 times a year. 7!
SAT identification requirements
The documentation process is as smooth and simple as providing your passport or driver's license.
Fluency in English is a must.
English is the medium of instruction in most globally ranked universities so you should be proficient in reading and writing English.
You’re also eligible for application fee waivers with SAT. Explore more with iSchoolPrep!
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