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Universities waiving GMAT for top MBA programs

Pursue a graduate degree without having to worry about GMAT. Here are some universities waiving GMAT across the globe.

No GMAT required!

Many universities have decided to waive the GMAT requirement for 2023 and 2024 which will now open doors of opportunity for more individuals.

Evaluation without GMAT

Universities waiving GMAT ask additional essay questions or interviews, academic transcripts, work experience and a strong SOP or LOR.

University of California, Los Angeles

Without requiring GMAT, the university asks students to show evidence of ten years of quantitative and logical reasoning skills and professional work experience.

University of Utah

Applicants will be asked to provide a resume to assess their eligibility for a GMAT waiver for an executive MBA program.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Applicants seeking a GMAT waiver must have three years of professional or military experience and a GPA of 3 or higher in undergraduate or graduate programs.
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