Table of Contents
It is important to take a diverse approach to the different portions of the IELTS academic test. You need to know the writing laws and structure for the writing component. The way you express yourself in writing mirrors the way you think. Your writing style will improve if you follow guidelines and write often.
Essentials to the IELTS writing task 2
The second part of the IELTS writing test is called writing task 2, which requires you to compose an essay 250 words long. While writing the essay, you should adhere to a certain framework. You are going to need to compose an introduction to the subject matter. After that, there needs to be a paragraph providing an examination of the argument. In addition to that, you need to provide a suitable conclusion.
If you want to get a band eight on IELTS writing task 2, you must compose an essay that fulfills all of the requirements for a band eight on the writing assessment criteria list. Let’s look at them in the information that’s been provided below.
Task response
- All aspects of the assignment are well addressed.
- Responds to the question with relevant, expanded, and supported thoughts in a well-developed answer.
Coherence and cohesion
- Organizes the facts and thoughts in a logical sequence.
- Maintains cohesiveness effectively across all relevant dimensions.
- Makes use of paragraphing adequately and acceptably.
Lexical resource
- Exhibits fluency and flexibility in using a wide variety of languages to communicate certain meanings.
- Utilizes unusual lexical elements with skill, yet, there may be errors in word choice and collocation.
- Occasionally results in misspellings and/or problems in the creation of words.
Grammatical range and accuracy
- Makes use of diverse structural forms for the IELTS academic writing task 2.
- The vast majority of sentences are devoid of grammatical errors.
- Very seldom blunders or acts inappropriately in any given situation.
- It is important to grasp the gist of the topic.

Grasp the gist of the topic
Before you even start to answer the question, you must ensure you fully grasp what it is asking. You will have a far better understanding of the examiner’s expectations if you do it this way. One of the most common errors that students make is giving an insufficient response to properly address the topic, which prevents them from receiving a score greater than a band 5.
To analyze the question, you must first determine the sort of question, the keywords included inside the question, and the words contained within the instructions. Once you have this information, you will better understand the examiner’s expectations.
Before you begin writing, make a plan
One of the most important advice for IELTS writing task 2 is to create an overview. In addition to that, it assists you in excellently presenting your essay.
A good outline can help you save time by concentrating on your work. In addition, it assists you in organizing your thoughts and arranging them in the best possible sequence before you begin writing. Even more than that, it assists you in concentrating on the language that you are using rather than the concepts you are presenting.
Pay attention to the feedback you get
You won’t improve just by practicing more IELTS writing task 2 topics. It is an important component of your preparation, but to grow, you also need to acquire feedback on the work that you have done.
You probably wouldn’t attempt to teach yourself how to fly an airplane without first taking lessons from a qualified professional, would you?
Find someone who will provide you with accurate and beneficial feedback on the job you have done. If you do not meet these requirements, you will not be allowed to go to the final level.
Use less prevalent words and spell them properly
Band 8 writers of IELTS academic writing task 2 utilize unusual lexical elements according to band descriptors. We utilize common and rare words to learn languages. Common terms connect to personal experience and everyday practices. Specific themes or idiomatic language need uncommon terminology.
You should avoid old-fashioned words. If you use a synonym, the connotation must remain the same. Adolescent/teenager are interchangeable, whereas toddler/baby have distinct meanings. Band 8 asks whether you know which words go together and which are appropriate for certain themes.
Compose an introductory paragraph
At the start, you should not only provide a linear response to the question but also explain to the reader what the essay’s body will be about. This demonstrates to the examiner that you are aware of what is going on immediately and assists you in writing the major body paragraphs of your essay.
Organize your paragraphs
Divide the total number of words by the number of paragraphs as well. IELTS writing task 2 scores may be affected if you write less than 250 words in task 2. Similarly, you will not get any bonus points for writing more than 250 words, and doing so may potentially lower your overall score for coherence and consistency.
To summarise, if you’re writing a four-paragraph essay, aim for a word limit of 70-80 for each section. If you’re taking a computer-delivered IELTS writing task 2 exam, you’ll be able to see how many words you’ve typed on the screen.
To prepare for a paper-based exam, students should write 70-80 words in their handwriting to understand how many lines it takes to write that many words. Keep in mind that your work should be structured in a professional academic manner. Answers that include notes or bullet points will be disregarded.
Key takeaways
- Remind yourself! The foundation of each successful piece of IELTS academic writing task 2 is a well-thought-out strategy.
- Use examples to support your points and make each paragraph stand independently.
- Consider how much time and words you’ll need for each paragraph in your strategy.
- To avoid seeming pretentious or judgmental, keep your terminology simple and professional.
- Finally, avoid relying only on pre-existing research when discussing a subject.
1. IELTS academic writing task 2 requires me to answer what sort of questions?
At least 250 words are necessary for academic and general training students to write in 40 minutes.
2. Is it better to use a pen or pencil for IELTS general writing task 2?
It’s all up to you. Remember to bring an eraser and sharpener if you’re using a pencil for your writing.
3 Is it necessary for me to provide examples to support my claims?Yes. To answer the question, you must provide particular examples for IELTS academic writing task 2 drawn from your personal or professional experience or expertise.