Table of Contents
The IELTS listening task test is divided into four parts, and you get allotted a specific time for each section. It requires a test takes to answer questions with information from the given audio. You will get one listening task in the IELTS exam. So, all academic and general candidates will be taking the same listening test with similar scoring.
Here are some facts and information related to the IELTS listening task.
- The listening task of IELTS lasts for 40 minutes.
- The IELTS task’s listening recording lasts for 30 minutes.
- An IELTS listening test consists of four parts – a conversation with two people, a speech with a single person, a conversation with around four people, and an individual talk on an academic subject.
- You must listen and write your answers on the question paper at the same time during the paper-based listening test. You will get extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet after the recording ends.
- You can put your answers directly on the computer during the computer-based IELTS listening test. You do not get any extra minutes to transfer your answers because they are already on the computer.
- You will get time to read the questions before listening to the recording.
- If a word spells wrong, then your answer gets marked wrong.
Here is a breakdown of the question types asked in the listening task section of IELTS:
- Multiple choice questions
- Matching questions
- Map labeling
- Summary, table, or flow chart completion
- Sentence completion
- Short-answer questions
In this post, we will talk about the map labeling question, which is generally included in the second section of the test. However, there is a chance that you may get the map in any of the other sections.
IELTS listening map labeling details
In the IELTS listening map labeling question, you will hear an audio, mostly a monologue, that details a map related to tours. You must then connect the information you hear in the audio to the blanks in the given map.
Sometimes, you may get a list of words and have to choose the correct one that fits the map. Other times, you get no words in an IELTS listening task and must listen to the audio that directly mentions the answers to questions asked. For example, you may be asked to identify location A, B, C, or D on the map as the city square.
Maps in IELTS listening: Why do you need them?
The IELTS listening maps deal with a specific language type that is important when you learn and use English. This IELTS listening task type helps you learn how to follow proper instructions, pick out the necessary information and track significant conversations when using the English language.
IELTS listening task exam: Tips to follow
You must follow the below tips when taking the IELTS listening task.
Read the instructions
You must read the instructions carefully on the question paper to know what you need to do in the exam. The audio will clearly tell you the number of words/numbers you can use to answer the question. Using fewer or more words can lead to a wrong answer.
Know the vocabulary
You must know the words exactly as used in the audio to describe where things are located in the map labeling section.
Identify the beginning and end of numbers
You must identify where the numbers start and finish to understand the order of listening.
Understand the context
You must listen carefully to the audio because the speaker gives the context during the period. The process helps you identify what you are labeling and note the already-labeled things.
Predict the answers
You must look at the blanks during the listening test and guess the answer to the questions. Predicting answers can help you score higher on the test.
Visualize what you listen
Try visualizing the things that you listen to and track the audio that is played. This can help you identify the answers to the questions more easily.
Take a guess
If you missed out on a few details from one of the recordings, try guessing for the missed answer and incorporating it into your sheet.
IELTS listening task practice tests
The online IELTS listening task practice test resembles a real one, and its duration is 30 minutes. You will also get ten extra minutes to transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheets. This is only if you opt for the pen and paper test. The practice or mock test will give you an idea of the different question types that are asked in the IELTS listening task section.
Key takeaways
- The IELTS listening task test is the same for academic and general papers.
- The listening task test is divided into four sections and marking patterns.
- The IELTS listening task test will last for 40 minutes.
- You get ten extra minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
Do you want to know more about IELTS mock tests? Get in touch with us now!

Question 1: How to answer the map labeling questions in the IELTS listening test?
Answer 1: You must listen to the audio, read the labels and instructions, and visualize the map diagram to answer the labeling questions correctly.
Question 2: Do you have time to look at the map question before the audio starts?
Answer 2: Yes, you will have one min to look at the questions before the audio starts.
Question 3: How much time do you get to transfer your answers in the IELTS listening test?
Answer 3: You get 10 minutes to transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheet in an IELTS listening task.