Ilyas Khan
Teaching experience - 20 years
Certified by

Ilyas Khan
Teaching experience - 20 years
Certified by
Ilyas Khan
Teaching experience - 20 years
Ilyas Khan
Teaching experience - 20 years
Certified by
Ilyas is a CELTA certified English language trainer and the spearhead of Test Preparation at iSchoolConnect. He has a vast experience of over 2 decades and is an expert in IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, communication skills, and soft skills. He loves to teach and has helped innumerable aspirants in preparing for their English proficiency tests and even getting a higher score than what they required. His experience is not limited to just one country as he has taught students from various countries around the world such as Japan, France, China, Thailand, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordon, Canada, US, UK, etc. He is an expert in needs assessment and identifies the learning needs of students effortlessly. He is a master curriculum developer and has designed our courses using a blend of his vast experience in teaching and the student needs that he has observed over the years. He believes teaching and learning go hand-in-hand and is always open to learning from every interaction which he is a part of. Besides training, he loves to travel, and is a cat lover.
Vivek Sharma - 23/02/2022
Exams for studying abroad have always been a little intimidating to me. So while I was preparing for the IELTS test, I knew that I needed some guidance. That's when I came across iSchool Prep. With the guidance of my tutor, practice papers, and all the notes, my confidence was boosted by notches. Thanks to them, I could clear my IELTS test and get into my dream university.
Exams for studying abroad have always been a little intimidating to me. So while I was preparing for the IELTS test, I knew that I needed some guidance. That's when I came across iSchool Prep. With the guidance of my tutor, practice papers, and all the notes, my confidence was boosted by notches. Thanks to them, I could clear my IELTS test and get into my dream university.
Yash Naik - 03/03/2022
What more could I say other than thank you to the iSchool Prep platform?! As I wanted some guidance for the IELTS test, I opted for their premium plan. And honestly, every bit was worth my time! The premium plan had live classes, personal coaching classes, and a premium course session. My test prep coach cleared all my doubts and that I give my best! I would recommend this platform to everyone preparing for IELTS.
What more could I say other than thank you to the iSchool Prep platform?! As I wanted some guidance for the IELTS test, I opted for their premium plan. And honestly, every bit was worth my time! The premium plan had live classes, personal coaching classes, and a premium course session. My test prep coach cleared all my doubts and that I give my best! I would recommend this platform to everyone preparing for IELTS.
Arash Sidhu Kashyap
Teaching experience - 11 years
Certified by
Arash Sidhu Kashyap
Teaching experience - 11 years
Arash Sidhu Kashyap
Teaching experience - 11 years
Certified by
Arash is an experienced IELTS, ESL, and process trainer. She has been teaching for about 11 years and has worked with students in India and East Asian countries. She is an Inlingua certified trainer and has been a guide, coach, and teacher to people from all walks of life - students, BSF camp, hospitality staff, and trainees. Her ability to effectively communicate with the learners helps them to enjoy the process of learning. She likes to keep her classes interactive and engaging. She is an educator by choice, not by chance, and considers education a noble profession. Outside of work, she loves to explore new places, read books, and relax in a coffee shop. She also has a niche for baking!
Abdul Balwa - 23/02/2022
I am very grateful to iSchoolPrep and Ilyas Sir for helping me prepare for the IELTS exam so effortlessly. This 30-day course covered all the four major sections of the exam. Plus, the mock tests helped me enhance my speed to a great extent.
I am very grateful to iSchoolPrep and Ilyas Sir for helping me prepare for the IELTS exam so effortlessly. This 30-day course covered all the four major sections of the exam. Plus, the mock tests helped me enhance my speed to a great extent.
Karan Patel - 23/02/2022
iSchoolPrep is hands down the best for IELTS. It is a complete package of notes, audio exercises, quizzes, and mock tests. This helped me practice more, which further enhanced my focus, pace, and confidence. 30 days of pure learning and knowledge.
iSchoolPrep is hands down the best for IELTS. It is a complete package of notes, audio exercises, quizzes, and mock tests. This helped me practice more, which further enhanced my focus, pace, and confidence. 30 days of pure learning and knowledge.
Saalim Khan
Teaching experience - 14 years
Certified by
Saalim Khan
Teaching experience - 14 years
Saalim Khan
Teaching experience - 14 years
Certified by
Saalim is an Educator with a demonstrated history of working with Test-Preparation Institutes, where he taught Mathematics (Quantitative Aptitude) & Mental Ability (Reasoning Ability) to School Students, Under-Graduates and Graduates for the GRE, GMAT and SAT. He believes in the concept of 'learning by doing' and adopts the same through his experiential learning pedagogy. Having an experience of more than 14 years and training 10,000+ students, he has gained expertise in conducting sessions, designing content and helping the administration in assessing the curriculum and the format in which it is being delivered, and also reviewing the accompanying tools and resources. Previously he was associated with a reputed publication where his role was to train the teachers as to how the content of the books should be delivered to maximize its impact on the students and also to explain and suggests improvements or adjustments that could provide a better learning experience or improve the educational setting for both students and instructors. Apart from his regular academic administrative roles, he has also assisted and guided many students for the study abroad application and visa process.
Mallik Prasad - 11/03/2022
One of the things that I absolutely loved about iSchoolConnect Prep is that you can complete the course at your own pace and time. I was working while preparing for IELTS, so having a set time for studying was difficult for me. But thankfully, with this test prep platform, I could prepare for IELTS without a miss.
One of the things that I absolutely loved about iSchoolConnect Prep is that you can complete the course at your own pace and time. I was working while preparing for IELTS, so having a set time for studying was difficult for me. But thankfully, with this test prep platform, I could prepare for IELTS without a miss.
Shreya Nandi
Teaching experience - 13 years
Certified by
Shreya Nandi
Teaching experience - 13 years
Shreya Nandi
Teaching experience - 13 years
Certified by
Shreya is a test prep expert and is currently a senior IELTS trainer of iSchoolPrep She holds certification by ETS for TOEFL and GRE. She is a passionate IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, and GMAT trainer, and a mentor for the past 13 years. In this tenure, she has trained and mentored 1000+ students for various examinations like IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, and SAT. Many of her students have achieved high scores on their tests. She believes in providing personalized student attention and actively engaging with students. She feels that she has an innate ability to relate with students efficiently. She thinks that a teacher is a friend, philosopher, and guide. Apart from teaching, she loves exploring new places.
Maria Gomes - 23/02/2022
I was able to get a good score of 8.5 in reading and writing, plus 8.0 in listening, because of the test preparation course of iSchoolPrep. The quizzes and tests in this course helped me sharpen my focus and improve my pace. Would recommend all IELTS aspirants to take up this course.
I was able to get a good score of 8.5 in reading and writing, plus 8.0 in listening, because of the test preparation course of iSchoolPrep. The quizzes and tests in this course helped me sharpen my focus and improve my pace. Would recommend all IELTS aspirants to take up this course.
Riyaz Shaikh - 23/02/2022
I would like to credit iSchoolPrep for my success in IELTS. The 30-day test prep course helped me improve my skills, focus, and pace by notches. Initially, I was nervous about getting a good score but this test preparation course helped me gain confidence. Thank you, Ilyas Sir and team iSchoolPrep.
I would like to credit iSchoolPrep for my success in IELTS. The 30-day test prep course helped me improve my skills, focus, and pace by notches. Initially, I was nervous about getting a good score but this test preparation course helped me gain confidence. Thank you, Ilyas Sir and team iSchoolPrep.
Zoya Qureshi - 19/03/2022
iSchool Prep is for people who want to study for the IELTS test and need help in different areas. I struggled with some of the reading comprehension questions and found this course really helpful. It's much less expensive than hiring a tutor, and some of their plans also offer a personal coach. My score improved drastically after studying for just two weeks.
iSchool Prep is for people who want to study for the IELTS test and need help in different areas. I struggled with some of the reading comprehension questions and found this course really helpful. It's much less expensive than hiring a tutor, and some of their plans also offer a personal coach. My score improved drastically after studying for just two weeks.
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