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TOEFL speaking sample questions | Here’s everything you need to know!
One of the ways to ace your TOEFL exam is to practice TOEFL speaking sample questions. They want to gauge your ability to use the English language by maintaining a conversation. The speaking section typically consists of four tasks, wherein the examiner will mention multiple situations. These situations are based on real-life incidents or excerpts from scholarly books.
The ETS TOEFL speaking sample questions will not be very difficult – you have likely come across these subjects in your class. Here is a few TOEFL speaking sample questions to help you in your exams.
What does the TOEFL speaking sample questions test entail?
We will talk in length about the TOEFL speaking sample question and answers. Understanding the structure well holds you in good stead. When the time comes for you to respond to questions in your exam, you will not hesitate or fumble. You will be calm under pressure as this is something you have practiced numerous times.
Tasks 1 and 2
The TOEFL speaking sample test will comprise four tasks. You will be provided 45 seconds each to respond orally. The preparation time provided is, unfortunately, even less. You will have 15 seconds to prepare what you plan on speaking. They have provided little time because the concepts they will be using are usually simple. You should already be familiar with it.
What are the highlights of this task?
- The task will test your ability to speak in a clear, concise, and coherent speech and language.
- The examiner will also mark you on your creativeness regarding the direction you will be taking the discussion.
- You will be allowed to relate to your personal experience and speak about the same.
- If you are aware, the examiner will ask you to mention any examples or instances.

Tasks 3 and 4
Under the TOEFL speaking sample questions for task 3, you will be required to read a passage roughly 120-150 words long. It will be based on a subject you are familiar with, such as campus festivals. Then, you will be required to listen to the passage. Following this, you will prepare a minute-long speech about how the subject and the recording related to each other.
What are the highlights of this task?
- The passage will allow you to take notes.
- You are required to distinguish the subject and the purpose of the passage.
- The examiner may ask you further questions if deemed necessary.
- The recording will play twice.
- You will receive 30 seconds to prepare your minute-long speech.
Tasks 5 and 6
Under this task, you will be required to prepare for a campus-related subject again. However, you will listen to a conversation between two or more individuals this time. Under TOEFL speaking sample questions 6, they might also play an academic discussion. An academic discussion can be anything, for example, a lecturer giving a speech to their students.

What are the highlights of this task?
- The conversation that will be played will be 2-3 minutes long.
- You will be provided roughly 20 seconds to prepare for the same.
- You will be asked questions regarding the main highlights of the passage.
- You may also be required to distinguish between the purpose and other details regarding the passage.
- You are allowed to take notes during the conversation.
- Understanding the speaking scoring criteria
It will help you understand better how well you are doing if you are well informed about the TOEFL speaking scoring criteria. You will understand where you stand when you practice and map your performance against the scoring criteria with the help of TOEFL speaking sample questions. This activity will help you practice and prepare well to succeed in the exam.
Skills to highlight in the TOEFL exam
The TOEFL speaking sample questions provides you with high scores if you can highlight the following skills-
- Accuracy
You should be able to grasp the questions perfectly and provide the perfect response to them. A perfect response is on point and does not include fluff language.
- Comprehension
The most apparent skill set to be tested through this exam is your ability to comprehend the information presented. There is specific terminology that will be used, which you need to understand right away.
- Systematic
One of the ways you can show off your confidence in using the English language is by systematically presenting your information. It helps you score high on the speaking test.
- Fluency
Fumbles and hesitations are looked down upon in the TOEFL speaking test. You are automatically on their good side if you speak without taking too many uncertain pauses.
- Pronunciation
Your accent must not impact the pronunciation of certain English language words. The right words must be said most clearly and crisply possible.
- Vocabulary
The amount of words you use is not as substantial as the variety of words you choose. You fail to realize that your words have power. It is time you use your collection of words to express yourself precisely.
- Grammar
English is an easy language, but it has many sets of rules one needs to stick to – this is known as grammar. Your grammar should be bang on – no excuses accepted!
A closer look at how to improve score through TOEFL speaking sample questions
Following are some suggestions on how to improve your score in TOEFL speaking sample questions – we hope they help!
Suggestion #1 Stay calm; you have it in control
Avoid panicking if you feel like you haven’t prepared enough or don’t have enough time to prepare. Attempt as many TOEFL speaking practice tests as possible to improve your knowledge.
Suggestion #2 Don’t rush through; breath
Even though you are not the kind to fumble when speaking, you may take an unexpected pause when you end up rushing. This is what you need to ignore. Speak without hesitating too much.
Suggestion #3 Teach yourself some phrases
Instead of pausing, you can begin using phrases. For example, phrases such as “however” or “as a matter of fact” are a great way to think while letting the opposite person know that you are trying to recollect your thoughts.
Suggestion #4 Practice pronunciation
If you know you are bad at pronouncing certain words, practice pronouncing them even more. You can make a world of improvement just by rehearsing and repeating those words.
Key takeaways
- The TOEFL speaking sample questions are where they gauge your ability to use the English language by maintaining a conversation.
- The TOEFL speaking sample questions typically consist of four tasks, wherein the examiner will mention multiple situations. These situations are based on real-life incidents or excerpts from scholarly books.
- There are different types of tasks that you are required to respond to.
- The TOEFL speaking test provides scores gauging you against a set of skill sets required in an academic environment.
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Q1. How many tasks can I expect in the speaking test?
Answer – You can expect four tasks in the speaking test. They can be based on different question types.
Q2. Will my vocabulary be marked during the speaking test?
Answer – Yes, your vocabulary will be marked during the speaking test, along with your grammar and many other skills.
Q3. How long does the speaking test last?
Answer – The speaking test lasts nearly 25-30 minutes, including any time spent on preparations.