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Essential Words For TOEFL

Essential words for the TOEFL exam | Here’s how to memorize them!

Essential words for the TOEFL exam | Here's everything you should know to ace your exam! TOEFL encourages improving your vocabulary, but you're wondering where to start. News regarding Barron's essential words for the TOEFL exam being the ultimate list is widespread. Still, is that sufficient to help you prepare for the TOEFL exam? You might be tempted to use every possible list available on the internet, but myriad options exist. ...

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TOEFL listening

TOEFL listening | Robust techniques for you to prepare 

The Test of English as a Foreign Language is a standard test that examines the potential of students that are not native English speakers. It tells whether a student is ready or eligible for admission to English-speaking universities. This test focuses on the four academic English skills- reading skills, writing skills, listening skills, and speaking skills. Today we will talk about the TOEFL listening section and provide you with techniques ...

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TOEFL Speaking Test

TOEFL speaking sample questions | Your guide for acing the TOEFL speaking exam!

TOEFL speaking sample questions | Here's everything you need to know! One of the ways to ace your TOEFL exam is to practice TOEFL speaking sample questions. They want to gauge your ability to use the English language by maintaining a conversation. The speaking section typically consists of four tasks, wherein the examiner will mention multiple situations. These situations are based on real-life incidents or excerpts from scholarly books.  The ETS TOEFL ...

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TOEFL vocabulary list

TOEFL vocabulary list | The ultimate list to ace your exam!

Your words have power. The sooner you realize that, the better your chances of passing the TOEFL exams. One of the main things you will do to prepare well for TOEFL is building your TOEFL vocabulary. Promise yourself this – your TOEFL vocabulary will be unlike any other. Make the examiner wonder about the hidden writer in you.  It is undoubtedly easier said than done. However, with our ultimate essential TOEFL ...

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How to write a good TOEFL essay?

Here's everything you need to know to write a good TOEFL essay! The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS). It assesses international students' usage and knowledge of English as it is spoken, written, and listened in colleges and institutions. The TOEFL test is preferred by more than 80% of Canadian graduate programs. All UK institutions, including Russell group schools, acknowledge it as well. ...

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TOEFL Writing | 5 expert tips to ace this section

The TOEFL Writing section tests your ability to write academic English. It requires you to write two essays and a letter, answer questions about a reading passage and review a graph. The two essays are similar in that they require you to choose a topic, develop an argument and support it with evidence. The first essay analyses an objective source (a newspaper article), while the second essay analyses an argument ...

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TOEFL mock test

TOEFL mock test | Top 5 resources to practice!

Those looking to work or study in an English-speaking country are required to prove their proficiency in the English language. There are several language proficiency exams one can take, like IELTS and TOEFL. However, these exams require plenty of preparation. One of the best ways to prepare for these tests is through mock tests. So, read on to learn more about where you can find a TOEFL mock test and ...

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TOEFL books

TOEFL books | 11 best books to ace your preparation!

Students can demonstrate their English ability on the TOEFL exam by taking the compulsory parts of the test, such as hearing, reading, speaking, and writing. Multiple universities require students to have cleared this exam before being considered for the admission process. The ideal TOEFL books help students with test-taking tactics, practice questions, and explanations for the answers to specific questions. Read the blog to know more about the top TOEFL books ...

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toefl exam

TOEFL exam | The ultimate study guide for you

If you want to study or immigrate to an English-speaking country, then you must fulfill an important prerequisite which is scoring well on the English language proficiency test. Among the most prolific English language proficiency tests, the TOEFL exam or Test of English as a Foreign Language is extremely popular and widely accepted in different countries. The main objective of TOEFL is to evaluate the English language mastery of the candidate ...

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toefl preparation

TOEFL Preparation | Best section-wise practice tips!

The TOEFL exam is an internationally recognized test conducted to measure the English language skills of non-native English speakers. While you may be confused about where to start your TOEFL preparation, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here we have chalked up the strategies for TOEFL preparation that will help you to ace each section at ease. Before getting into the exam tips, let us jump in to get a ...

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Toefl speaking topics

TOEFL speaking topics | 11 common topics to ace the exam!

TOEFL speaking topics | An overview Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) analyses your ability to speak and understand English by examining your reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills. If you are an overseas student who wishes to study in an English-speaking country, you may be required to take the TOEFL exam. These are all abilities that will be needed to finish your academic studies. Institutions use examinations to ensure that students ...

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