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A feature that distinguishes the GRE’s quantitative reasoning component from others on comparable standardized tests is the availability of an on-screen calculator. Although this distinction may reassure those who are worried about math or standardized tests in general, it also presents difficulties for those seeking to decide the best approach to using it. While taking the exam, one can envisage two extremes: one where time is squandered by using the gadget excessively and the other where time is wasted by not using it at all. Both instances show how test-taking habits are difficult to change. Here are some basic guidelines for the GRE calculator usage to assist.
What Can the GRE calculator do?
For use throughout the quantitative component of the GRE, there is a straightforward on-screen calculator available. In the quantitative reasoning sections, you have the option of showing or hiding the on-screen calculator so that you don’t have to use it for every question, which could be distracting and take up valuable screen space.
You can change the sign (positive/negative) of integers as well as add, subtract, divide, multiply, parenthesize, calculate the square root of, add a decimal to, and parenthesize. Using the MR, MC, and M+ keys, you can save and remember answers for later use, much like with a standard four-function calculator. The GRE calculator also has a feature that lets you precisely transfer answers from the display to the answer box. This function may be useful.
When is it useful to utilize the calculator that appears on the screen?
First of all, a calculator is not always necessary. In fact, using a calculator can cause you to move more slowly. The on-screen calculator used for the GRE is less functional and more difficult to use than a conventional calculator. A calculator won’t make a careless mistake, but it also won’t magically know the solution to a challenging problem.
Sometimes the sum is simply too large to multiply on paper, and an approximate answer is not required. Compound interest is one of the issues that come to mind. Maybe you need to figure out the hypotenuse of a right triangle with 51 and 31 sides. Without a calculator, finding the square root of a large number may be exceedingly challenging.
Of course, if the question is, “What is the unit digit of 31000?” you will need to devise a smart solution because a calculator cannot store that many digits.
The secret is understanding what you can and cannot handle mathematically. The approach to a problem, rather than the math, is frequently the challenge. Now that you are aware of when to use a calculator and how you can practice and become proficient with it.

How should the GRE calculator be used correctly?
Ironically, limiting your need for the GRE calculator is the best way to get ready for utilizing it. Use of the calculator for addition, subtraction, and the majority of simple multiplication should be avoided. Practice mental math and your multiplication tables.
Pay close attention to the calculator’s operation sequence, and always begin with the parenthesis you’ll need to create the final formula. You can input the relevant computations considerably more quickly and prevent making mistakes in the order of operations if you do this right away.
Avoid doing anything that would result in an error message. Such scenarios will crop up frequently during the exam, but they are unnecessary because all of the questions are within the calculator’s capabilities.
Using the GRE calculator for preparation
During your GRE preparation, you should surely practice using this calculator a lot. For the Quant section of the GRE, candidates have access to a 4-function on-screen calculator. Although it is an essential component of any test-plan taker for navigating the Quant section of the exam, the on-screen GRE calculator shouldn’t be depended upon excessively. In the end, the GRE’s creators wouldn’t provide you with a test-taking instrument that could “do all the work” for you.
Practice utilizing your computer keyboard in addition to the on-screen calculator as you become more familiar with it to speed up your processes. You can save a lot of time by using the computer keyboard instead of the mouse to perform some calculations. Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use:
- * is a multiplication symbol.
- – is employed in subtraction.
- / is a division operator.
- The symbol + is used to add.
Additionally, you should practice certain problems like 6 + 5/11 + 3 versus (6 + 5)/11 + 3, keeping in mind that brackets are occasionally required to get the right solution. You should also become familiar with the PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction) sequence of operations.
You should be careful to avoid becoming dependent on the calculator for easy calculations that you can complete using your mental math skills, even though the calculator could save you time when dealing with more complex calculations.
The GRE calculator’s limitations
Yes, the following limitations apply to the GRE calculator:
- It can only show eight digits.
- It cannot finish calculations that don’t yield real numbers.
- It does not function as a scientific calculator would and lacks functions for exponents, cubing constants (like π or e), logarithmic functions (ln, log), and trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent).
Key takeaways
- The GRE is developed to examine a person’s capacity for quantitative thinking within a set amount of time.
- For use throughout the quantitative component of the GRE, there is a straightforward on-screen calculator available.
- One can learn the ability to judge whether to use a calculator instead of using mental math when studying for an exam.
- The online GRE calculator has only four functions, but it does let you move answers directly from the screen to a box for entering numbers.
Question 1: What calculators are permitted for the GRE?
Answer 1: The on-screen calculator provided for your usage is the only calculator permitted on the GRE. In other words, you can use their calculator if you need to, but you are not allowed to bring your own.
Question 2: On the GRE, is scratch paper permitted?
Answer 2: When you check in at the test center’s front desk, remember to bring your ID and admittance ticket with you. You will be given a locker by the proctor to store your belongings in. Only the pencils and scratch paper provided by the test center may be brought to the testing area.
Question 3: Is there a GRE dress code?Answer 3: Since there is no set dress code, it is permissible to wear whatever you feel like on the day of the test as long as it is not inappropriate.