Table of Contents
There are various types of GMAT mock test for free. They are designed for specific purposes, and you must use all of them to get the most out of your GMAT preparations. Mock tests are classified as follows:
Practice questionnaires
When you are learning, practice questions are beneficial. These questions help to put the topics you’re studying into context for the exam. The questions assist you in applying what you’ve learned to actual test-like questions.
Sectional exams
These tests are most effective when you are well-versed in a subject that you believe you are weak in. This will help you understand your level of preparation for that particular topic. It will also assist you in planning how to proceed with this section.
Complete mock exams
Mock tests for the GMAT are a replica of your real exam paper. You must make certain that you choose the most suitable GMAT mock test for your prepping. They are most effective when taken at the same time as your actual GMAT exam. You must consider other factors, such as duration, and be strict about not taking it lightly simply because it is a practice test.
How do mock tests aid in GMAT exam preparation?
GMAT official mocks assist you in numerous ways as you study for the test.
Intellectual prep
Time management has a big impact on how well you perform on the GMAT. You have a set amount of time allotted for each section in which to respond to the questions. You won’t get credit for the queries you don’t answer if you don’t. Therefore, you must respond to each question on the GMAT exam. To answer all of these questions within the allotted time, you must adhere to several time management techniques.
Taking GMAT practice tests is the most effective way to learn time management techniques. Also, GMAT practice tests familiarize you with the syllabus and the types of questions that will be asked. You can better manage your time during the exam if you have a clear understanding of the question types.
Physical acquiescence
When preparing for an exam, it’s easy to overlook the importance of physical preparation. The lengthy syllabus, the variety of questions, and the time constraint can all cause anxiety in most of you. When taking competitive exams like the GMAT, anxiety is a major obstacle to get over. An anxious candidate is more likely to make mistakes. Take as many practice GMAT exams as you can to get past this. Proper technique You can take the exam with confidence if you use the practice tests because you will be familiar with the questions when you take the real thing.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses
The key to successfully preparing for the GMAT exam is to be conscious of your strengths and weak points. You can learn about your abilities and flaws by taking a mock test. For instance, taking the GMAT verbal practice test can assist you in determining potential scores for that section if you are uncertain of how well you will perform on the verbal portion of the exam. After completing a few practice exams, you will be able to tell which section you are strongest in and which one you are least proficient in. You can learn which topics in a particular section are more straightforward for you by taking practice tests.
Practicing your exam schedule
For the exam to go well, a solid exam strategy is essential. Based on your knowledge of the material and your skills, you must develop an exam strategy. During practice GMAT tests, you can devise and use a variety of strategies. You can test out each of your approaches and use the most effective one when the exam is actually administered. By allowing you to test out various strategies, mock exams can help you plan effectively for the actual exam.

A list of GMAT practice exams
The top free GMAT practice tests are listed below, from most realistic to least realistic.
Ischoolconnect’s GMAT sample questions are comprehensive, so you’ll have lots of chances to practice the various categories found on the test. Depending on how much time you have to prepare for the upcoming GMAT exam each day, you’ll also have a lot of options to choose from.
GMAT Club Practice Exams
One computer-adaptive Quantitative and one computer-adaptive Verbal GMAT section are offered by GMAT Club. Both tests last 75 minutes and include believable questions and illustrations. Additionally, you’ll have access to separate collections of math, reading comprehension, sentence correction, and critical reasoning questions.
The most realistic format and superior practice questions can be found on Kaplan’s free GMAT practice test, which takes the top spot. The test not only closely resembles the actual GMAT but also includes in-depth video answer explanations.
Princeton Review
You can get one free GMAT practice test when you register for an account with Princeton Review. You can either register for a practice test event or self-proctor the test and take it online.
Key takeaways
- The best way to prepare for upcoming GMAT exams is to take a GMAT practice exam. It gives you a basic idea of what kinds of questions to expect and helps you understand your progress.
- The Internet offers many options for GMAT practice tests. We encourage you to use the
- GMAT Practice Test to create practice tests at home and take the time to gain hands-on experience.
Question 1: What if my GMAT attempt fails?
Answer 1: You can take the GMAT up to 5 times a year. So if you fail once, you have another chance.
Question 2: What’s the best way to prepare for the GMAT?
Answer 2: The most effective way to prepare for the GMAT is to keep trying and solving practice questions. We also recommend a thorough review of the most common GMAT questions.
Question 3: Are all parts of the GMAT exam included in the practice exam?
Answer 3: Yes, the GMAT sample exam has the same structure as the GMAT exam, so all four sections are included. The practice test section order is also presented in the same format as the GMAT exam.